March 2025 is Digital Detox Month at Making Space, and we’re inviting you to take on a challenge that benefits both your mental wellbeing and the people we support.
The Rules
Nominate 3 people to attempt a digital detox (they can choose how and when they do it or you can choose for them!)
If they complete the digital detox then they have to donate £10 to Making Space and if they don’t complete the detox then they have to donate £50 to Making Space.
When/if the 3 nominees complete their detox they then nominate 3 people to do it.
Digital Detox Challenge Donations
If you have been nominated to take on the Making Space Digital Detox Challenge and you have completed your challenge then please donate £10 on this page.
If you have been nominated to take on the Making Space Digital Detox Challenge and you haven't completed your challenge then please donate £50 on this page.
Simply click on 'Donate' and make your donation.
Please now nominate 3 people to take on the challenge too.
How do I digitally detox?
The choice really is yours. All we ask is that you choose a period of time in March 2025.
You can choose how long you detox for and how you do it.
You could detox for a day, for a week or maybe every Sunday in March.
You could choose to just detox from social media or certain apps.
You could choose to take a break from particular devices.
You could go cold turkey on all screens.
It’s up to you how you manage your detox but phones can be a way of keeping us safe and keeping in contact with loved ones so, please don’t cut yourself off from support and ensure you stay safe during your detox.
How else can I take part?
If you would like to get sponsored to complete your digital detox or would like to detox as a team then you can set up a fundraising page via this link -
However you wish to do it- Join the challenge, unplug, and make a difference this March!
Thank you
Optionally, you can save your purchase to your account by Signing in.
If you don’t have an account, you can Sign up to create one.